智慧能源信息物理系统及大数据安全分析Smart Energy Cyber-Physical Systems: Big Data Analytics and Security

讲座时间:2017-05-16 14:00:00
主讲人简介: 胡师彦 (Shiyan Hu),智慧能源信息物理系统及大数据安全分析专家。他是国际工程技术学会会士(IET Fellow),美国国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金(NSF CAREER Award)获得者。他2008年博士毕业于美国Texas A&M University,现任美国密歇根理工大学 (Michigan Technological University) 电子及计算机工程系终身副教授,博士生导师,密歇根理工大学信息物理系统研究中心主任。2015年至2016年在美国斯坦福大学任访问副教授(Visiting Associate Professor)。在信息物理系统领域,发表100余篇文章,包括30多篇顶级IEEE Transactions文章。

A smart energy cyber-physical system is characterized by the interactions among the sensing devices and the physical energy system. Big data analytics techniques can be leveraged to improve the situational awareness of the energy system. However, how to decide whether the sensor data are trustworthy and how to assess the system state even if those data contain uncertainties are quite challenging. In this talk, I will describe a systematic framework, which is based on partially observable Markov decision process, orthogonal matching pursuit, and empirical mode decomposition, to detect anomaly energy usage behavior through analyzing the massive smart meter data in a community. I will also discuss how this framework can be used for detecting smart grid cyberattacks such as energy theft. I will conclude the talk with some of the ongoing research in this topic.